Monday, March 10, 2008

The Hanks Question of the Week

Do you have a queue (Ravelry, or not) or do you just start projects willy-nilly? Do you have some system of organization for your upcoming projects?


Caitlin said...

I have an extraordinarily long queue on ravelry--but its not organized at all. I seem to be on a "last in-first out" kind of system.

I love the queue feature on Ravelry--its one of my favorites.,

Unknown said...

I have a long ass list on my queue on Ravelry. I would say about 90% of it are things I hope to make, and there is other stuff on there that I queue so that at a later date I can forward the link to friends. Socks, a few sweaters are on there, in addition to lace. I am not sure why I have lace on there as I have a mental block when it comes to lace.

THey are somewhat organizedat least the first two pages are, ha!

Unknown said...

I joined ravelry but never posted a queue. I have several boxes of yarn -- I usually (!) buy yarn with a plan, so yarn that has a plan goes in a box or bag that is active. It is the box that goes with me on a long trip. Then, over time, I lose enthusiasm for some projects. Perhaps I don't enjoy knitting them, or I am over ambitious and the item I hoped to knit is no longer needed. Then that yarn gets moved to the "yarn storage area" otherwise known as "the box of inspiration". I try (!) to check this box when starting a new project. It has a lot of dishcloth cotton and sock yarn because I can buy those yarns because I like them and not necessarily with a project in mind.

Lorena said...

I just completely revamped my queue on Ravelry. My new incarnation of THe List includes stuff I have the yarn already for (in actual queue), stuff I plan to make eventually (favorited in patterns), stuff I like but might not necessarily make but might maybe someday decide to make (favorited in projects, along with stuff I just like). We'll see how long this organization lasts!

Unknown said...

I have a queue on Ravelry, but almost every project I start is an impulsive sort of thing. Which explain why I end up with lots of small things, like socks and scarves, and no sweaters. Still, it's fun to start a project as soon as I get the urge.