Wednesday, July 1, 2009

2009: The Year of the Afghan (July)

The July Square

Think of July as the next step to cables; those that travel! While it may sound complicated, it really is a pattern that anyone familiar with casting on, the knit stitch, the purl stitch, and binding off can do. It is a charted design, rather than written out, but don’t let that scare you. Charts are a lot easier than they look, as long as you don’t try to read them like a book– the right side rows are read right to left (as if you were looking at front of the knitted piece) and the left side rows are read left to right (as if you were going backwards across the front of the knitted piece). The every-fabulous has an article here that we recommend you look over. There is also a shorter article on (here) that is pretty informative.

You can download the pattern from our website here, and the Ravelry page for the square is here.

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