Sunday, October 28, 2007

We are humbled

In our wildest dreams we could not have imagined a more perfect first day. Thank you, one and all!

I am sure that there are some that I missed, or some that I will remember as soon as I hit "submit" on this post, but here are some high points of the day: getting in and listening to a message on the machine from my friend Karen in Scotland... Karen calling again not ten minutes later and being able to hear her beautiful voice tell us that even though she is thousands of miles away she considers us to be her Local Yarn Store... Sophia calling from Canada (town wave, sweetie!)... flowers and chocolate from Beth and Joe who are traveling in Atlanta right now... flowers from Aunt Gay and Uncle Joe, and also a bottle of champagne from them walked over personally from Robbie at Dorn's across the street... flowers from Kelly and Robbie in North Carolina... my mother and Dave coming up, and bringing limes from their tree (with a caveat not to do this again, hah hah, no worries there!)... turning around and seeing that WV Beth had surprised us by driving up from Orlando... other out-of-towners Carla and Lynn coming up (separately, from the same city!)... my friend Amy dropping off flowers... other people who I missed bringing plants and flowers... the wonderful knitting group who crowded around at opening and watched our happy teary ribbon cutting and cheered us on... and the same knitting group looking so happy and at home as they sat in what we feel is our living room and chatted and knitted and had a great time (thank you Daniel for helping to make coffee!)... Katie coming down from Baltimore on Wednesday and staying through Saturday to help (and she's not even a knitter!)... Charlie and Chris juggling outside... a group of women (one of whom I had heard took the day off from work) who showed up and also sat in our "living room" for a few hours with all number of crafty endeavors including knitting, crochet, and embroidery... meeting people in person who I had only had email contact with... seeing that kids really did like the easel and the toys... hearing that people had been reading about us on our blog and were so excited that we're open... people who said they'd been driving by for weeks (and months) watching us prepare and that they're so glad we're here... I'm sure that I've forgotten something or someone, and my apologies if I have; my mind is like a steel sieve these days. A special wonderful amazing teary thank-you to our men, who did 100% of the renovations and we love them beyond distraction for that and many other things.

We could not have asked for a better, more amazing and happy, first day. It feels like the best dream, and I can't believe that I get to go do it again today. I am humbled, and full of joy.

Thank you, everyone.

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